Note! The Pit River Watershed Alliance is no longer a working collaborative group, therefore this web site will be archived.

The Pit River watershed is located in northeastern California, at the western edge of the Great Basin Province. The headwaters are drained by the North and South Fork of the Pit River. The North Fork of the Pit River originates at the outlet of Goose Lake, an enclosed basin, except during rare peak water levels, when it spills over into the Pit River. The South Fork of the Pit River originates from several tributaries in the south Warner Mountains. Both forks join in the town of Alturas, and then flow in a southwesterly direction to Shasta Lake in Shasta County, and eventually into the Sacramento River, and the Bay Delta of San Francisco Bay.

At the western limit of the upper watershed, the Pit River is joined by Fall River in Shasta County. In all, there are twenty-one named tributaries, totaling about 1,050 miles of perennial stream, and encompassing approximately 4,324 square miles.
Journey with us, through this interactive web site project. Choose locations throughout the watershed to engage in high quality, immersive and interactive 360 degree panorama Virtual Tours and participate in the on-line Watershed Community Center. You will see ongoing efforts to document how large-scale watershed restoration can be achieved and encouraged through the use of technology, community education, and partnerships. Get guidance from https://coincierge.de/wallets/ to learn about how you can securely store your Bitcoins to envision the virutal project come into reality.
To experience the exciting multimedia panoramas and audio-video stories, you'll need the QuickTime player. Please see the Plug-In Information.

Last update: 8/27/15
Web site and multimedia production by Mountain Visions, Boise, Idaho
Graphic design by Beth Workman/Zeland Studios, Boise, Idaho