Pit RiverWatershed Alliance

To move the panorama -

After the movie downloads, you ...

  • click the mouse down on the picture (starting in the center works best) or
  • use the arrow keys to scroll around.

Look for the "Hot Spots" in the panorama.

  • While scrolling over the panorama, you will notice that sometimes the cursor changes to a finger on a globe.
    This is a "new panorama hot spot". Clicking on this spot will open a new web page with that new panorama.

  • The cursor can also sometimes change into a hand touching a bullseye. hand on bullseye
    This is an "information hot spot".

  • When you are on a hot spot, words will also appear in the controller bar below the panorama.

    Controller bar with text information:

    Text can tell you what panorama you'll visit if you click on the new panorama hot spot.

    Info text in controller bar
    Text can tell you information when you roll over the information hot spot.

HINT! - Can't find the "Hot Spots"?

  • Click on this button and the "hot spots" will show up in the panorama.

    show hot spots

To zoom in and out on the panorama -

  • You can use the "control" and "shift" keys to zoom in and out. You can also zoom with the "+" and "-" buttons in the botton left of the controller bar.

    zoom in

    zoom out

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