Twin Pine Ranch is a 560-acre ranch located approximately two miles south of Adin, CA, Lassen County. The ranch consists of a rangeland (grassland, sagebrush, juniper woodland) and cultivated fields. Angus cattle and Quarter Horses are also raised on the ranch. Two tributaries flow through the ranch and are tributaries of Ash Creek. The more “southern” tributary is slightly downcut and showing signs of channel instability. This project stabilized approximately 1,500 feet of the channel by creating a “grassy swale” around the channel, installing three grade control structures, and fencing both sides of the swale to provide channel protection from livestock.
In addition to the work in the grassy swale, two reservoirs occur on the property that are used to water livestock. Both had very little vegetation around them, as they were the primary water source for livestock on the ranch. The project created more pastures near the reservoirs by building new fences around them and placing offsite-watering structures to provide stock water. The project also improved one of the dams and spillway channel. Specifically, the east reservoir had developed a gully where the spillway was located. This gully was filled and a new spillway was created that will improve channel conditions below the spillway and result in more natural channel and water quality conditions. The south reservoir had minor channel instability and this area received passive restoration from reduced grazing pressure. Vegetation around each reservoir was encouraged through planting and both are expected to provide improved habitat for sandhill cranes, waterfowl, and other waterbirds.
The watering structures placed near the reservoirs are supplied with water from solar pumps placed in existing wells.
This project was funded through Proposition 13, EPA 319h, and USFWS Partners for Wildlife.