The Flournoy family has flourished in the South Fork Valley for over 140 years. Today, Likely Land and Livestock manages a reach of the South Fork that was channelized over 40 years ago. Over time, the river worked its way out of the confined channel and began an erosion process that was actively transporting acres of soil downstream. In cooperation with Central Modoc Resource Conservation District (RCD), the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and other funding sources, Likely Land and Livestock has begun the transformation of a source of non-point pollution into a healthy functioning stream and wetland system with some 13 acres of new hay meadow to boot! The Flournoys put in a lot of effort to match the public funds. This kind of partnership is a model for local leadership in addressing water quality issues.
View the Cubical Panorama of Likely Land & Livestock Habitat Improvement (1.3 Mb)
Panorama taken October, 2002